Check validator registration status on Flashbots Mainnet Relay

Check validator registration status on Flashbots Mainnet Relay

Block Proposer API Announcement

We just released an update allowing users to check validator registration status for a given public key on the Flashbots Mainnet Relay.

Users can now check whether validator registration has been successful with the following API:

GET /relay/v1/data/validator_registration?pubkey=_pubkey_

Example API URL


The response payload is either an error or a validator registration:

    "message": {
        "fee_recipient": "0x6db5c947ba388f0e708c03339d534af9fae5679c",
        "gas_limit": "30000000",
        "timestamp": "1662038379",
        "pubkey": "0xb606e206c2bf3b78f53ebff8be8e8d4af2f0da68646b5642c4d511b15ab5ddb122ae57b48eab614f8ca5bafbe75a5999"
    "signature": "0x990d372f66b40539970bea8294587537d70b2c02c9be60888ee001430360cbf4d608098db5954cb48aa5bedc43f1014a002eaf25df1cdf668dcefbdcd9748844b886c8eb9361912415a6518a96b134d2c213b0d3527df0a5e31b0ca12c5f3450"

See also the Relay API documentation

⚡ If you have additional questions, please ask on GitHub or Discord!