MEV-Boost in a Nutshell

MEV-Boost in a Nutshell

MEV-Boost is an implementation of proposer-builder separation (PBS) built by Flashbots for proof of stake Ethereum. Validators running MEV-Boost maximize their staking reward by selling blockspace to an open market of builders.

MEV-Boost is free, open-source, neutral software built with love, for the community. For information on MEV-Boost software and roadmap, see the MEV-Boost Repository.

MEV-Boost Quickstart

  1. Install the latest version of MEV-Boost
  2. Connect MEV-Boost to desired MEV-Boost relays:
    1. ./mev-boost -mainnet -relay-check -relays relay1,relay2
    2. Remember to use the appropriate network flag for the specific network and relay URL, e.g. -mainnet, -sepolia or -goerli.
  3. Configure a consensus client. Detailed instructions are available on the MEV-boost testing wiki, and guides for connecting the client to mev-boost can be found in the consensus client compatibility table below.
  4. Confirm that the setup works by calling the data API to see your validator registration.

Relay List*

For a comprehensive list of relay URL endpoints by network and operator maintained by the community, please refer to:

Flashbots Relay URLs

Relay URL

Consensus Client Compatibility 👫

MEV-Boost is designed to be compatible with the standard Ethereum Builder API. This means it is compatible with all consensus and execution clients. You can find guides for installing with your favorite consensus client below!

🎉 done
🎉 done
🎉 done
🎉 done
🎉 done
Testnet ready

MEV-Boost Updates 🎯

We are writing regular updates about MEV-Boost development, adoption and community, for anyone interested in keeping up with our progress:

MEV-Boost Status Update - Sep 9-Sept 22, 2022
September 23, 2022
Introducing The Flashbots Transparency Dashboard
September 22, 2022
Flashbots Sepolia relay now accepts external block submissions
September 13, 2022
MEV-Boost v1.0 released
September 12, 2022
MEV-Boost Status Update - Aug 27-Sept 9, 2022
September 9, 2022
Flashbots Goerli relay now accepts external block submissions
September 7, 2022
Check validator registration status on Flashbots Mainnet Relay
September 6, 2022
MEV-Boost Documentation is Live!
September 5, 2022
MEV-Boost Mainnet Relay Live!
September 1, 2022
[WIP] - Builder Payments to Block Proposers
August 29, 2022
MEV-Boost Status Update - Aug 12-26, 2022
August 26, 2022
MEV-Boost Status Update - July 29 - Aug 12, 2022
August 12, 2022
Successful MEV-boost testing through Goerli Shadow Fork 6 merge!
August 4, 2022
Understanding liveness risks from mev-boost
August 4, 2022
MEV-Boost Status Update - July 15-29, 2022
July 29, 2022
MEV-Boost Status Update - July 1-15, 2022
July 15, 2022
MEV-Boost Status Update - June 24-30, 2022
June 30, 2022
MEV-Boost Status Update - June 17-24, 2022
June 24, 2022

Builder Quickstart

External builders can submit blocks to the Flashbots Relays on Mainnet, Goerli and Sepolia networks.

See here for more details:

FAQ ⁉️

Node Operators

What is MEV?
Why should I run mev-boost?
Has mev-boost been audited?
I am a solo validator, will I be able to run mev-boost?

Block Builders

What is block building?
I want to do block building, what next?
Who will run a relay? Will I be able to send blocks at the merge?
How will Flashbots make sure that the relay treats their builder fairly compared to other builders?
Where can I find the API spec I need to comply with?
What are slot collisions?
What is high/low builder priority?

This world is confusing, but we are in this together ⚡ If you have additional questions, please ask on the Forum, GitHub or Discord!

Resources ⛵


MEV-Boost logo is provided with CC0 license courtesy of @lekevicius. Download here.

* Users of this informational material are responsible for determining any applicable legal restrictions on any direct or derivative use of this information, including complying with applicable economic sanctions laws within their home jurisdictions.  Please also see Github’s Trade Controls page. Flashbots makes no representation or warranty as to any Relay Operator or other entity’s compliance with economic sanctions or other laws and regulations.